Marketing Plan Assessments & Tests – Experience & Machine Learning Algorythms

Marketing Plan Assessments & Tests – Experience/Machine Learning


ADSC Provides Strong Sell Cycle Experience/Learning Automation.

Our SwiftSel Methodologies have been in use for over thirty years predating. For twelve of those years ADSC has been helping to further develop & provide those kinds of strong field hardened heuristics based on real world marketing campaign experiences.

We now have a strong basis to provide assistance to your High Technology team’s sales & marketing teams using this strong empirically based set of capabilities.

Further, we also can also use strong machine learning algorithms, to help you to better understand the statistics of what you’ve already been doing. Feed forward forecasting means that we can use your existing data for information purposes only so that we can turn that data into actionable information.

1277745000Shed light on your data.

You can the use that so you can make decisions on what to do with your sales & marketing resources. Machine learning algorithms can shed light on hidden significance in your data. And with that knowledge coming to light, you can leverage that whenever possible.

So, don’t just guess, or have a hunch. Get better understanding on what is really working & maybe even why.

We don’t stop there, we also call into decision makers to test any experiential and/or machine generated assumptions made. So, we don’t just assume. We test.

Community_by_Merlin2525The market can be the best teacher.

Call us today for more details. (416) 362-1963.